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Beef Bourguignon, Zucchini with Asian Peanut Sauce and Cilantro-Eggdrop soup


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Meredith and I had company over so we decided that it would be a good idea to make a few things that we like and know would be good but still kind of special.

We made three things we've had before. We made cilantro egg drop soup (w/o meat)[@rev] and with less oil and nothing special on the croutons. For the meal we made our now-standard-but-intense Beef Bourguignon[@rev] (with less meat and olive oil instead of butter) and we made zucchini noodles asian peanut sauce.[@rev]. It came out a bit watery but it was still good. We also served bread.

The meal was pretty good. It took a bit too long making it and made our friends wait a bit but we were only a few minutes late. The meal was a success though.

Additional Photos

The fire set up Soup Main Meal

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Original WP Pub Date: 2014-11-15_181000